Welcoming Your Puppy Home
Bringing a puppy home for the first time is such a fun experience for you and the family. However, bringing home a puppy can be a daunting task. It requires thought, strategy, and long-term planning. After identifying the breed and gender of your new pooch, you have to determine how to get your new furry friend home. This process is vital to your puppy adapting to his or her new environment. The transport home is the beginning process of establishing a bond and a certain level of trust.
The Drive Home
If you’re fortunate to have the opportunity to personally drive your puppy from the breeder or wherever you gain possession of your furry friend to your home, you would want to make your pup’s journey as cozy and safe as possible. Perhaps have several blankets to create a cozy den inside a crate or have the puppy sit in a passengers lap. Having plenty of treats on hand is always a good thing. Oft times, you will discover that your pup may not eat food or treats during the journey. Being in new environments could affect the appetite so do not fret. Remember, this may be your pups first time away from mommy so constant adulation and good body language is a must. Your pup will feed on your energy, so you have to stay positive, patient, and upbeat. The ride home should include plenty of potty breaks to lessen the chances of accidents in the crate or God forbid, in the person’s lap who is holding your cute bundle of joy.
Hiring a Pet Transporter
Oft times, new pet owners or breeders will hire a pet transporter to deliver pets directly to their home or nearest airport. If you chose this option, you have to do your due diligence on whom you select. Your pet transporter should be licensed and registered with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) as a certified pet handler. If you are transporting your pup from state to state, it is good to be familiar with the requirements. The USDA created a website (https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel/interstate-pet-travel) to keep pet owners up to date with regulations.
Verifying that the pet transporter is licensed and bonded is also something you would need to do. Depending on the breed and value of the dog, you will need to verify if the pet transporter is insured and bonded enough to cover the expenses of the pup should anything go wrong during the journey. Only select pet transporters who have temperature-controlled vehicles. Snub-nosed dogs have great difficulty breathing hot and humid air and should only be transported in vehicles that are temperature controlled.
Another key thing to consider is what others say about the pet transporter. Review all of their reviews on Google, Bing, Yelp, and FaceBook. Many pet transporters list their reviews on their website and social media.
Home At Last
Once your beautiful new puppy successfully arrives at your home, a whole new world opens up and opportunities abound for great memories and a long-lasting friendship. Remember, your pup is depending on you to get him home safely…you can do it!